Jun 11, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

I want to thank dearest Rose for giving me this award, I'm very touched indeed! MashaAllah. I find sister Rose such an active blogger, and even though I don't know her very well, but I do feel like she is a great person! Check out her blog, you will not regret it inshaAllah, and she does deserve this award back since she is a stylish blogger mashaAllah! :)

Now, the rules when someone receives this award is to share 7 things about herself...so here goes:

1) I love to read sooo much. Currently am finishing up Dan Brown's latest novel "The Lost Symbol". He's such an outstanding genius at writing that once I start one of his books I just can't seem to put it down till I reach the last page!

2) I also love to write. I mostly write poetry, but I'm currently working on a story for kids..been working on it for a whiiile but inshaAllah it turns out a good one!

3) I'm blessed with a great husband and a wonderful family alhamdulelah...they fill my life with love and happiness and I just can't thank Allah swt enough for having them with me!

4) I enjoy making sweets and decorating them.

5) I looove Italian and Chinese food!! lol :P

6) I hate how the world is full of injustice, and how at this moment as I'm typing there are people in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Palestine..etc being killed and tortured to death for standing up for their rights and asking for one simple thing every human should have: Freedom!

7) I love to travel to different places of the world, try to learn a few words of their language, and go sightseeing :)

I give the award to the following fellow bloggers:

* My Life Under The Veil
* The Color Of Our Skin
* The Muslim Wife's Kitchen


  1. Dearest sister! What a lovely post and Alhamdulillah, I'm so glad you appreciated the well-deserved award :) <3 I loved reading those things about you and think you sound like such a sweet sister! <3 Which language are you writing your story for kids in? Masha'Allah! Good luck with it and take care.

  2. A story for Children, that is great news Dana. I hope all will work out fine. It is so lovely to discover a bit more about you.

    Congratulations and thank you so much for giving me the award. It is so sweet!

    Stay well always.

  3. @Rose Thank you dearest sis!! <3 :)
    I'm writing the story in English :)
    May Allah swt bless you dear <3

    @Marie Thank you dearest!
    You really deserve it always! <3
    Take care sister <3 :)
