Apr 19, 2011

..BBQ Trip..

I very much enjoyed taking photos last time and reading your feedback, so when I went out with a couple of friends on a BBQ trip I decided to give it another "shot" ;P So here it is, they're not as good as last time, but I tried to take pictures of the bees as they were near the flowers, you might notice that in a few of the pictures :)
Hope you enjoy them! xxx

Apr 15, 2011

Colors Of Life...♥

Wanted to share a few pictures I took while I was visiting my cousins' place yesterday :) Hope you enjoy them! 

Apr 12, 2011

♥ You're My Life ♥

♥ Darling Hubby 

You are the reason for the smile on my face, for the hope in my heart.
You mean the world to me, and from you I can never be apart.
To me it seems like we've known each other for ages and ages.
Even though we're still in the earliest of stages.
To think of a life away from you, is so saddening to me.
What a hopeless, depressing and empty life that would be!
Your smile melts mountain tops, breaks ice and makes rocks sing.
I am so happy to be yours, wearing your gift...my wedding ring.
I want to shout so loud and let the whole world know.
You are truly the sun that makes my life glow.
Alhamdulelah again and again for having you in my life.
May our love grow with each day as husband and wife.

- Dana SK

"Has been inspired to be an inspiration to inspire you to be inspired to be an inspiration." ;)

I am veryyyy happy and honored and extremely touched to have been given this Inspiration Award from sweet Marie. I have been blogging now for almost two months and to get such an award now is just more encouragement for me to keep this blog alive and going!
And I do have to say that Marie was my very first true blogger friend, always commenting on my posts, I just loved to read her posts continuously and her sweet words and comments mashaAllah! Am thankful to have met her and inshaAllah we become and remain good sisters and friends :) <3

Am also very happy to have met new and more sisters who have such amazing blogs mashaAllah! :)

Now to answer the three questions, bismillah I start:

1 - Thank and link back to the person that awarded this to you.

Thank you dear Marie again for the sweet gesture! :)

2 - Link posts by you and fellow bloggers that YOU find inspirational.
(Since you are the ones who choose which posts of mine you find inspirational, I will skip this and list posts that I've read from fellow bloggers that inspired me!)

3 - Time now to give this award to 10 blogs. I'm very happy to have met all of you and followed your amazing blogs, and inshaAllah I get to meet more and more sisters and friends! :)

So here goes:

Wishing you all the best of health and iman! :)

Apr 11, 2011

The Niqab Ban...Really?!

I am just sooo filled with emotions right now!! Anger mostly! I just read an article about the niqab ban in France that is now officially out there. I mean what is this?!

Islam asks women, once they reach puberty, to wear the modest hijab. And by that it means loose, not tightly-fitted clothing and a veil on the head covering the hair and neck. So what shows from a Muslim woman all in all is her face and her hands...that's the obligatory Hijab. Now, some woman in Islam feel they want to wear the niqab. It's not obligatory but they choose to, so as to earn more merits. And that is their choice. So who do the French authorities think they are creating such an ignorant law as to ban the niqab? What's next? Banning women from wearing the hijab all together? I won't be surprised if they actually do that!

Where is the word "freedom" in this world? Why has it become so twisted? The people who are "free" are the ones who steal, murder and kill innocents while getting away with it. While the people being arrested and put in jail are the ones who are not doing anything harmful and not putting anyone in danger, who are merely following something they believe in.

Some say this ban has been issued for safety reasons, so France feels it's safer if they see the peoples faces? Are you telling me, if someone had his face covered up with a medical mask for health reasons then they'd be asked to take it off or be fined a big sum of money because a large portion of their face is covered?
If this ban was truly for safety reasons, then whenever they actually felt like this woman is going to cause danger to France *eye roll* they could just get a female police to ask her, privately, to take it off or something...hellooo ever heard of polite requests?!

It really saddens me to see how our world has become.

Look at the picture below, is THIS what they call for?! Freedom for women?! Not oppressing them?! These women are protesting for their right to wear the niqab, doesn't this tell you something? That they WANT to wear it? That it is something they believe in and not something you have a right over?!
I mean do they actually believe that these women cause danger by wearing a piece of cloth to cover most of their face?!
Moreover, I protest against the people who feel pity for hijab wearing Muslimahs and want to free them from oppression! Can't you mind your own business?! We are NOT oppressed. On the contrary, we are more FREE than any other women on earth!!

What kind of treatment is this, pulling a woman like that huh?!

Verily, Allah is All-knowing, All-aware.

Apr 8, 2011

Friends :)

So I chose to work on my blog today, am pretty new here still. Basically spent most of my day in front of the laptop between reading different articles on different blogs, following them and trying to make new friends :) I also changed my blogs' style! (Hope you guys like it!)
Anyway on the side of my blog I added a few blogs I loved. Here I wanted to add a few articles I enjoyed reading so far:

1) “You can’t play on broken strings. You can’t feel anything, that your heart don’t wanna feel. I can’t tell you something that ain’t real” - Yours Truly

2) "Can YOU defend Islam" - S.E Jihad Levine

3) "Yours Forever" - Marie

4) "How we move in grace" - Sara

InshaAllah with time I'll meet new friends, and read new articles!

Best wishes to all :)

...Food For Thought...

A passage from a book I read called "Deception Point" By Dan Brown.

The fear came on in torrents now.
Drowning, Ming had once read, was the most horrific death imaginable. He had never dreamed he would find himself on the verge of experiencing it. His muscles refused to cooperate with his mind, and already he was fighting just to keep his head above water. His soggy clothing pulled him downward as his numb fingers scratched the sides of the pit.
His screams were only in his mind now.
And then it happened.
Ming went under. The sheer terror of being conscious of his own impending death was something he never imagined he would experience. And yet here he was...sinking slowly down the sheer ice wall of a 200-foot-deep hole in the ice. Multitudes of thoughts flashed before his eyes. Moments from his childhood. His career. He wondered if anyone would find him down here. Or would he simply sink to the bottom and freeze there...entombed in the glacier for all time.
Ming's lungs were screaming for oxygen. He held his breath, still trying to kick toward the surface. Breath! He fought the reflex, clamping his insensate lips together. Breath! He tried in vain to swim upward. Breath! At that instant, in a deadly battle of human reflex against reason, Ming's breathing instinct overcame his ability to keep his mouth closed.
Wailee Ming inhaled.
The water crashing into his lungs felt like scalding oil on his sensitive pulmonary tissue. He felt like he was burning from the inside out. Cruelly, water does not kill immediately. Ming spent seven horrifying seconds inhaling in the icy water, each breath more painful than the last, each inhalation offering none of what his body so desperately craved.
Finally, as Ming slid downward into the icy darkness, he felt himself going unconscious. He welcomed the escape.}

This book was awesome! I just couldn't put it down and seriously recommend it...a mixture of politics, science, action and a bit of romance...this was one good read!

But that's not why I shared this passage from the novel. As I was reading the above, I stopped to ponder over it, how death comes in different ways, at unexpected times. Something that's inevitable for all! Rich or poor, powerful or weak, good or bad. There will always be an end to every life on earth. We all know that, and yet most of us just dismiss it and would rather not talk about it nor think of it...but why? Why run away from the truth?

And then after reading that part of the story, I decided to read a bit of Qur'an and subhanallah as I was reading I came upon the following verse:

{Say, "Indeed, the death from which you flee - indeed, it will meet you. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you about what you used to do."} (Qur'an, 62:8)

That just got me thinking even more! Life is just like a trip; you wake up, get ready, go on the trip, enjoying it while also attending for important things like getting the tickets, going to the gas station, packing your stuff...and then this trip has an end and you go back home. Same with our life, we wake up in our mothers' womb, grow up in life enjoying it but at the same time having to do important things like studying, working..etc and then we die and go back to our Creator. But why is it that we forget to work hard for that end? I mean the normal life things that we do work on, they're things we need to live on earth but not things we need for the hereafter. Now don't get me wrong here, we definitely have to do that, God asks us to build this world and make it a good place, and He does want us to have a good, successful and happy life....but we mustn't forget our true and main purpose in life, to worship God and earn merits in order to succeed in the hereafter and win a place in Jannah (heaven) by the mercy of Allah swt.

I just felt like sharing my thoughts. Death is something inevitable, unexpected and a surprise guest. So be ready when it comes, don't be from the people who regret the way they lived their life when it's too late. And don't think age can stop death, it might come now, in a few minutes or in a few years. We don't know when .... but one thing is for sure.... it's coming! So be ready!

I want to share two things with you before I wrap up...a poem I wrote and a song I feel is very touching and does work as a wake-up call for all of us.

As his last moments
Passed in front of his eyes
He started thinking
Of his goodbyes

To all the special people
In his short life
Mother, father, relatives
Friends, children and wife

Life seemed to him
So short and fast
As if only a few minutes
From its first to its last

He sat there wondering
About his coming end
About all the problems
He had no time to mend

About what his purpose
In life had been
About his destination
Whether hell or heaven

Regret cannot save him
From what is coming
His destination depends
On how he had been living

Now I ask you reader
Before it's too late
Does your life need change
Or to be set straight?!

-By: Dana SK

May Allah swt grant us an end that He is pleased with, a good end and may we inshaAllah and with Allahs' mercy be from the inhabitants of Jannah! Ameen!

{Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, and the ships which sail through the sea with that which is of use to mankind, and the water (rain) which Allah sends down from the sky and makes the earth alive therewith after its death, and the moving (living) creatures of all kinds that He has scattered therein, and in the veering of winds and clouds which are held between the sky and the earth, are indeed Ayat (proofs, evidence, signs, etc.) for people of understanding.} (Qur'an, 2:164)

So enjoy life, have fun, work hard...but first and foremost prioritize your life! Take care of your Salah, be honest, read Qur'an, do good, help others, purify your intention, thank God continuously for the many blessings He has blessed you with, take care of your parents, always make duaa...to simply put it.....

Live Islam!

Apr 2, 2011

My World Is You!

I look out at the world
The night is here
Lights are everywhere
Sky is clear

Breeze is blowing
So peacefully free
But all I want is
For you to be with me

Happy moments
Come and go
But for them to be perfect
Your presence must show

What meaning does life
Have without you in it
It'll just be empty
Every single bit

You are my everything
You are my happy place
You own my favorite
Handsome, loving face

You're my inspiration
My motivator too
Oh how lucky
I am to have you

My dearest husband
My lover, my friend
I'll love you forever
Right to the very end

By: Dana SK